About us

About Us:-

Welcome to Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.Com, Your own most updated source for all new released Indian music. Developed in End of 2019, we are among India’s largest hindi lyrics providers offering a wide range of Indian songs lyrics written by the native speakers of the language. We provide lyrics to songs in Hindi, Punjabi, and many languages. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of lyrics from the above mentioned language, written by professionals.

Our Vision:

To be the first choice for a lyrics reader who is searching for the lyrics for ‘Hindi’, ‘Punjabi’, and other language songs.

To be the number one source for the readers who are seeking meaning of song lyrics.

Our Mission:

To provide authentic lyrics to each of our lyrics reader, written by our professional editors, and native speaker of the language.

To help readers understand the meaning of song words

To help music enthusiast improve their reading, learning skills by providing most accurate translations for their favorite songs.

Why choose Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.Com
while their are thousands of websites available?

We are a team of music enthusiast from different regions of India, working together to provide you with the correct lyrics for your favorite songs. The lyrics shared on Lyricstak.com are only published by an editor from the team who is native speaker of the language.

What should expect from Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.com?

You can expect consistently (daily) added lyrics for new released songs. Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.com is the only website which covers so many languages and also provides translations with the lyrics.

What to not expect from Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.com?

Many of the music listeners may not be aware that that they may be using illegal music. Illegally distributing and using music is a significant problem that hurts its makers, investors. Do not expect links to pirated audio files, albums on this website. We encourage you to buy and listen to original music or at least listen to free music on YouTube which also helps the makers to earn revenue.

We hope you enjoy reading at Lyricsmafiya.blogspot.Com as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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